Best Countertops for Kitchens

Best Countertops for Kitchens

Updated on Saturday, March 18, 2023

How to choose a surface for your kitchen and not regret the decision

Choosing a Countertop is something that we have to devote a lot of time to understanding the materials, knowing all the options, their advantages and disadvantages, and getting an idea of what we want.

In the case of Countertops, quality, and style are not at odds thanks to the wide variety of materials with which they can be produced.

In addition, just by changing the Marble Stones, you can give your kitchen a new look, so if you are looking to renovate it in a simple way, investing in a good surface can be the perfect solution.


Tips for choosing the perfect countertop for your kitchen

Choosing the right Countertop is a key decision when we do a kitchen project or want to renovate the one, we already have.

Currently, the market offers us various options, so it is very easy to find the model that best suits our needs.

Although kitchens have become more of a room than a decoration, one cannot forget that it is also a workspace, and even more so if we talk about the counter. The Marble stones are also the Countertop of the kitchen that must best withstand daily wear and tear.


What to consider before choosing a surface?

Before purchasing a surface, ask yourself the following question: What do you want from your new surface?

We will have to be clear that not all types of surfaces require the same treatment, nor are all materials cleaned equally easily. In addition, we must also take into account whether the marble is resistant to fingerprints, and scratches or if it can withstand high temperatures. Also, be careful if you usually cook foods that tend to release a lot of juice or change color.

However, for many people the choice of Marble Stone is not always governed by its functions, the design also has a lot to say.

Choosing one surface or another will greatly affect the general aesthetics of the kitchen. Fortunately, today’s most modern and stylish surfaces also offer great resistance and functionality. However, it is always important to ask yourself a few questions.


Who will use the kitchen?

The fact that the Marble Stone is going to be used by all family members is another aspect that must be taken into account when choosing the most suitable material.

If there are children at home it can become quite a challenge to take care of a fragile surface, especially if they tend to help with cooking or cleaning. On the other hand, it will also be convenient to choose a Countertop that resists greasy fingerprints well and is easy to clean. Patterned surfaces are a good option where fingerprints or scratches disappear more.



Types of surfaces


1. Marble countertops


Marble countertops in New York

Marble countertops in New York


Pros: Marble Stone, although it is a material of great beauty and gives a touch of classic style, it must be taken into account that it requires a lot of maintenance. In the case of Marble Stone, the disadvantages are the porosity of the surface which allows the absorption of some stains and liquids such as oils, and also requires more maintenance.


2. Granite countertops


Granite countertops in New York

Granite countertops in New York


Pros: It is one of the best materials for making a Countertop. It is heat, scratch, and impact resistant perfectly. It will last many years in good condition.

The granite stone stands out for its hardness and longevity, in addition, the variety of designs and colors is very wide, it is easy to clean and it does not require much maintenance.



3. Quartzite countertops


Quartzite countertops in New York

Quartzite countertops in New York


Pros: Since it is an expensive material, it is seen in a few kitchens but in those where it is, it gives a lot of elegance and class. It is a very hard and heat-resistant material, although it can break if hit very hard. 

The Quartzite Stone can be found in many different colors and it is easy to achieve a naturally shiny surface by polishing it.

As a defect, it is a porous surface, which means that any substance that falls on it and is not cleaned quickly, can be absorbed by the concrete. He is particularly sensitive to acids and therefore lemon and vinegar are his “enemies”.



4. Quartz countertops


Quartz countertops in New York

Quartz countertops in New York

Pros: Quartz stone surfaces are the result of mixing natural quartz stone surface particles and polyester resin.

For this reason, it is a very hard and durable material, easy to clean, and available in almost all colors imaginable.

Although it is true that you have to be careful of direct heat since it does not support it well and if we leave a hot container on this surface, we can damage it.



5. Porcelain countertops

Pros: They are still not seen in many kitchens but the trend will change soon as porcelain Countertops are very durable over time. They do not suffer from direct heat or burns, stains do not leave marks, and are easy to clean.

If we combine the advantages of glass with those of stone, we will find ourselves with a strong and durable material obtained in the process of breaking down and crystallization of ceramic and silicon particles.



Natural Stone For Kitchen Countertops

Onyx Countertop Slabs Granite Countertop Slabs


Quartzite Countertop Slabs Marble Countertop Slabs


White Marble Countertop Slabs  Granite Countertop Slabs For Sale


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